55th anniversary of the assassination of Medgar Wiley Evers

Dear Friend of Medgar Evers College,
Today marks the 55th anniversary of the assassination of Medgar Wiley Evers. Shortly after midnight on June 12, 1963, Evers was shot in the back in the driveway of his home in Jackson, Mississippi.  Fifty-five years later, generations are galvanized to continue Evers’s work. But as Evers proclaimed, “You can kill a man, but you can’t kill an idea.”
Medgar Evers fearlessly marched, organized and inspired his community. He strived for a socially just world rooted in the values of fairness, equality, respect for diversity, and the application of human rights in all spheres of life, including academia. If people could gain access to a world-class education, Evers knew the quality of their lives would vastly improve. These principles are fundamental to the mission and permeate the ideology of Medgar Evers College.
While progress has been made, much more needs to be done. A lack of social justice anywhere is an affront to us all. In the spirit of the Medgar Wiley Evers, let us take this opportunity to renew our commitment to social justice. Every one of us are his legacies. We are all capable of transforming society for the better.
Rudolph F. Crew, Ed. D. 