Theresa Marie Lewis Class of 2019
College of St. Elizabeth
Name: Theresa Marie Lewis
Hometown: Staten Island, New York
Major: M.A. in Counseling Psychology with a Concentration/Speciality in Mental Health Counseling
Future plans: Taking the National Counselor Exam (NCE) for licensure as a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) in New Jersey in 2019.
Accomplishments: Certified Sexual Assault Advocate for Morris Cares in New Jersey, PSI CHI International Honor Society member, former President of CSE Chpt of Psi Chi (2018), former Editor of Chief of CSE Journal of Behavior Science (2018), trainer of Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) and Behavioral Modifications for individuals with Austim Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities (ID/DD).
Quotes: “Life grants us teachable moments that if applied correctly, we will learn a lesson that will never be forgotten. During those teachable moments people may say ‘when there’s a will there’s a way’. In times of resiliency I will always say, ‘when there’s a way, Theresa will find it’. #BeBrave #BeEnough #behumble #BeTheresa.”