JBF’s 5th Annual Golf & Tennis Outing
July 11, 2022 was a gloriously sunny day with over 250 guests attending The Jessie Banks Foundation’s 5th Annual Golf & Tennis Charity Outing at the Montammy Golf Club in Alpine, NJ. The sold-out event featured a golf tournament, tennis, brunch, a cocktail reception, an awards dinner, poolside lounging, live entertainment, and a virtual auction.
The Jessie Banks Foundation Inc. (JBF), founded in 2002 by President and CEO Dr. Sharon Banks Williams, daughter of the beloved Jessie Banks, perpetuates her mother’s memory and service to humankind. JBF was established as a living tribute to Jessie Banks, thought of by some in her Brooklyn neighborhood as a local Mother Teresa. JBF enhances the lives of others through empowerment, health awareness, mentoring, counseling, and providing tuition assistance to deserving scholars.