AARP NY, State Senator Cordell Cleare Urge Governor to Sign Legislation to Help Older NYers Pay Energy Bills

AARP New York and Senator Cordell Cleare today urged Governor Kathy Hochul to sign legislation that would lower utility for costs of thousands of older New Yorkers already enrolled in the state’s discount prescription drug program.
The measure (S.8760-A/A.9369-A) which unanimously passed the Senate and Assembly, would auto-enroll eligible recipients of state Elderly Pharmaceutical Insurance Coverage (EPIC) in the federal Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP). Matching the data would benefit thousands of individuals age 65 and up who are on low or fixed incomes.
Governor Hochul has until the end of the year to sign the measure, sponsored by Senator Cleare, of Harlem, and Assemblymember John McDonald, of Cohoes. Data matching, an AARP New York priority, has backing from consumer energy groups and some large utilities.
“It’s hard to imagine why the governor wouldn’t sign this common-sense bill. Doing otherwise would only leave millions of federal dollars on the table, and thousands of older New Yorkers without the help they need, and deserve, with home heating and cooling costs,” Reggie Nance, AARP New York Associate State Director – Multicultural Engagement said at a press event held during Senator Cleare’s Senior Day celebration at the Adam Clayton Powell Jr. State Office Building in Harlem. “The Legislature has done its part. Now it’s up to Governor Hochul.”
Senator Cleare noted that weather extremes are causing more financial strain year-round.
“I urge Governor Hochul to sign Senate bill 8760, which would automatically identify pharmaceutical insurance coverage program participants eligible for the Home Energy Assistance Program,” said Cleare, the Senate Aging Committee chair. “This would ensure that those who already qualify for EPIC automatically get enrolled for HEAP cooling and heating benefits.
“For the last two summers, we have endured 90-plus temperatures, and continue to urge our residents to take precautions and protect themselves during these heat waves,” she added. “However, as the cooler months approach, we also want to ensure that our older New Yorkers are able to take advantage of all heat-related benefits, as well.”

Assemblymember McDonald, who is a pharmacist, noted that the measure affects both household budgets and health.
“The intention of the data matching bill for EPIC patients to access HEAP is straightforward in that it helps individuals in need access critical resources to live a better life,” he said. “In healthcare, we look beyond prescription medicine and look at critical elements of Social Determinants of Health such as housing and energy affordability to live in a safe environment. I am hopeful that with the support of many, including AARP, this critical identification tool can be implemented and utilized as an effective way to improve the quality of life of those in need.”
A 2019 study by Columbia University and New York State Energy & Research Authority found that just 40% of the 1 million senior households in New York eligible for HEAP enrolled. Meanwhile, state utilities reported more than 1.3 million customers at least 60 days late on their bills in June, and more than 645, 000 facing suspension.
The legislation would require the state Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance which oversees HEAP and the state Department of Health, which oversees EPIC, to share information to identify eligible recipients and auto-enroll them in HEAP.
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