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Obituaries at The Positive Community in Montclair



- 3/14/2023

10/17/1923 - 3/14/2023

Edward R. Mosley of Montclair, a teacher and administrator for more than 40 years at Passaic County Community College and a crisis counselor for a hospital emergency department, died peacefully on Mar...


- 8/21/2023

3/18/1952 - 8/21/2023

Lillian I. Tucker Thomas of Clarksville, Maryland, formerly of Montclair, an entrepreneur who founded two stores and an entertainment company, died on Aug. 20, 2022. She was 76. Mrs. Thomas, also a l...


- 8/22/2023

7/18/1956 - 8/22/2023

Albert Edward Pelham, affectionately known by many names — Al, Alpine, Big Pine, Mr. Pelham, Uncle Albert, Dad, Pops and his most beloved title, Coach — died on Aug. 19, 2021. He was 71. Mr. Pelh...


- 4/13/2023

10/30/2023 - 4/13/2023

Ralph Macajoux, suddenly passed away on Sunday, July 2nd after a brief illness. A lifelong resident of West Orange, New Jersey, he was born on October 30th, 1973 in Newark, New Jersey. He was the devo...