First Bethel Hosts Shriners
Members of the Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order of Nobles of the Mystic Shrine and members of the NJ State Grand Assembly Order of the Golden Circle PHA, commonly known as the Shriners, participated in the Black History Month celebration at First Bethel Baptist Church (FBBC) in Irvington NJ.
First Bethel Pastor Rev. H Grady James, III serves as Grand Chaplain for the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge Free and Accepted Masons of New Jersey and invited his lodge members to the program. “We desired to recognize and honor the work of our fraternal and sisterly sacrifices and labor in our struggle for freedom, justice, and economic equality in America,” said James. The Reverend Dr. Joseph Edward Woods was the keynote speaker.

and Pastor James
A highlight of the program was the reading of the Cultural Narrative by Niyea and Naziah Feaster; Thomas Peterson, Jr; and H. Grady James, V — all members of the FBBC Youth Ministry. Following the recitation, TPC Publisher Adrian Council presented a framed copy of the document to District Deputy Grand Master David Edouard, who received the document on behalf of the MW Grand Master Jeffrey Cordell Spann.
Noble Thelmo Stratford, Illustrious Potentate of the Golconda Temple #24 and Loyal Lady Mary Hill, State Loyal Lady Ruler of NJ, delivered the exposition of the theme. Both dignitaries were accompanied by Nobles of Golconda Temple #24 and Loyal Ladies of the Golden Circle.
The Shriners and their sister auxiliary, Loyal Ladies of the Golden Circle, are not-for-profit charitable societies engaged in community work primarily promoting education through scholarships to historically black colleges and universities.