Welcome Back to Holy Name, As Always, We are Here for You
by Michael Maron, President and CEO
Holy Name Medical Center
Throughout these past few months, when faced with the challenges of this unprecedented coronavirus pandemic, Holy Name Medical Center partnered with our community to make sure every person who needed us was evaluated, tested, and treated with exceptional medical care.
Our frontline staff worked around the clock to test and treat thousands of COVID-19 patients. We tapped into our inner resources and creativity to retrofit our medical center to safely care for patients, established best practices that saved thousands of precious lives, and introduced clinical trials that are bringing about exciting new therapies to battle COVID-19.
Even during the height of the pandemic, we never stopped evaluating and treating patients with emergent and urgent medical conditions in our Emergency Department. We also welcomed hundreds of healthy new babies within our BirthPlace, and we continued to provide expedient cancer care and cardiovascular services.
We are grateful to our colleagues in our medical, religious, and civic communities who provided guidance, leadership, and education in battling this unknown enemy. We thank all of you who responsibly isolated at home, practiced social distancing in public, and participated in numerous discussions so we were all able to plan and carry out strategies that benefited our mutual communities.
Safe, Clean, and Ready
Now, as we embark upon a “new normal” on our road to recovery, we want to encourage you to come back to Holy Name. Our medical center is safe, clean, and ready for you. To reach our road to recovery, we conducted a deep, rigorous cleaning of our 450,000 square feet of clinical and non-clinical space using manual disinfection, electrostatic sanitizing mist, and UV-C light. Our routine steps include rigorous cleaning and sterilizing in patient care locations; adopting new screening protocols and protection procedures for patients and staff; and separating non-COVID treatment areas from COVID treatment areas.
Please do not ignore serious, life-threatening symptoms you might be experiencing for fear that you might contract COVID-19 by coming to our Emergency Department. Do not hesitate to call 911 if you are experiencing chest pains, difficulty breathing, stroke symptoms, complications of diabetes or asthma, or any other medical emergencies.
Our Services are Open
We have carefully reopened Holy Name Medical Center to the public in phases, expanding services as public health guidelines permit. We are now scheduling elective surgeries and procedures; resuming many elective tests, such as mammograms and colonoscopies; and offering select in-person rehabilitation therapy services.
To safeguard our patients and staff, we have instituted procedures for pre-registering, pre-admission COVID-19 testing, and entering all our facilities. Patients coming into Holy Name must have their temperatures taken, engage in hand hygiene, wear a mask, and be escorted by a staff member to their appointment or nursing unit. In most cases, you will be escorted directly to a private room for evaluation and treatment. Appropriate social distancing of at least 6 feet apart is maintained in all waiting areas. We are also evaluating visitor policies appropriately.
Healthcare from Anywhere with Telemedicine
Our Holy Name Medical Partners healthcare providers are now scheduling telemedicine appointments at NorthJerseyTelemedicine.com. These appointments can be particularly convenient for patients who wish to be evaluated and treated in the privacy of their own homes or anywhere else. Telemedicine is also a great option for patients who have difficulty getting to a doctor’s office or those who have mobility issues and cannot leave their homes.
Patients who are interested in scheduling a rehabilitation therapy appointment for physical, occupational, or speech therapy can book an in-person appointment or telemedicine visit by calling 201-833-3085 or by emailing: [email protected].
Welcome back. As always, Holy Name is here for you. To learn more, visit https://holyname.org/roadtorecovery/