The Great Cultural Narrative:

The Story About The Future!

A few days ago, while parking my car in front of a building in Orange NJ, a lady who was parked behind us called out and asked, “Did Springfield Acura place an ad in your magazine yet?” I answered, “As a matter of fact they did reach out to us last week. We’re negotiating a monthly advertising schedule. ” She explained, “I just purchased this car and I told the manager that they should be advertising in The Positive Community.” . . . And for that, my friend, we are most grateful. Yes, advocacy is the key; advocacy works!

With much humility, editor Jean Nash Wells, myself and The Positive Community family express sincere thanks to you—our readers, the faith institutions and our advertisers for their advocacy. Through God’s grace and mercy; your encouragement, support and goodwill, TPC will enter into its 20th year of publishing “Good News from The Church and Community” as of September, 2019. Our magazine’s editorial policy advocates education, health; economic and business development; cultural integrity and community progress. Quality relationships and quality service matter. We must all continue to speak up for and on behalf of our own collective interests and community goals. As I see it, advocacy is really about the business of the future!

The Beloved Community
If you would, just ponder the following thought for a moment . . . Imagine if you could through the mind’s eye; try to capture a vision of your children’s children and that of their children’s grandchildren. Imagine the ideal future, far beyond our years; a future of prosperity, health, happiness, peace and goodwill for our descendents, whom we’ll never know; who will only think of us as ancestors. Imagine a generation with a proud heritage; demonstrating an ever-present hunger for truth, and an unquenchable thirst for righteousness. This is a story about the future—the beloved community!

And together we can achieve this vision of real and lasting intellectual, creative and social progress. But we must deal with the realities of our present times. Today we find ourselves in the midst of a looming crisis in spiritually and culture in this country, particularly within the African American ethnic community. Just look at the image of our young people in popular media. In so many ways we have allowed ourselves to be portrayed to the world as backward, soulless, antisocial and immoral. This is not who we are—a false narrative!

A Gift that Keeps On Giving!
In spirit and in truth, we are the people of the Cultural Narrative; the people of God. First written in 2012, to commemorate the 150th anniversary of The Great Emancipation, The Cultural Narrative is the story of our American freedom journey condensed into just 281 words. Ideally, every forward-thinking individual, family, school and institution of faith should own or possess this important historical document—a positive, life affirming response to today’s negative trends in popular music and culture!

For best results, encourage young people to read it before adults or their church congregation. The Cultural Narrative is designed to be read out loud. It must be spoken; it must be heard. Parents, grandparents and family members are to see to it that our children learn and speak the Cultural Narrative often. Speak it in the home, in classrooms, in churches and other houses of worship; at family reunions; back yard barbeques; community and social events, weddings, etc.

Available now, a 19 x 25 inch poster of the Cultural Narrative. It’s yours to own for just $10.00; two for $15.00. The investment will pay dividends one thousand fold when you teach it to a young child and in return, they speak it back to you and to others. It’s a gift that keeps on giving!

Frame this poster and proudly display it on the walls of your home, place of business, the classroom, in your houses of worship; in barbershops and beauty salons. For just $10.00, you too will become a valued contributor to the story about our future!

Call us today, 973-233-9200 or email, or visit our website, Bulk deliveries in time for Watch Night service, MLK Observances and for Black History Month.

The very best to all in 2020!