Emancipation Day 2022: Positive Change, Freedom, and the Future
The Positive Community Corporation (TPC), a 100% African American-owned media company has remained steadfast to the calling to share “Good News from the Church and the Community.” Year after year, “through many dangers, toils and snares” TPC has delivered results for both the reader and the advertiser by embracing the value and ideals of quality service. For 21 years, we have been on the front lines of Positive Change in the communities we serve, showcasing the very best in Black life and culture in America. Our freedom journey continues!
Boldly and without reservation, The Positive Community proclaims 2022: A Year of Positive Change! This is an open invitation to all forward-thinkers and the people of God to join us in the great, community-building enterprise of our times. Now, more than ever, each of us must become advocates for positive change—in our homes, the classroom, the corporations, houses of worship; positive change in our music and in matters of health, public safety, our businesses, finances, public/private institutions and in the arts.
Saving Our Own Community
A year of Positive Change begins on January 1, 2022 with TPC’s Great American Emancipation Day Awards Banquet at the Robert Treat Hotel, Newark NJ. On that day we will honor individuals and organizations who reflect the ideals of community life and American freedom. Our honorees from the NY/NJ region represent the best and brightest in diverse servant leadership roles that are ever committed to peace, world progress and the good of all—Positive Change!
If we the people are to move forward then we must always remember and never forget January 1st as one of the most important dates on the American calendar, especially for African Americans. On that very day in 1863, freedom came to over 3.5 million of our ancestors held in bondage in the Confederate South; 200,000 Negro troops were mobilized to fight alongside the Union Army. With the implementation of President Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation, the Civil War transitioned from being a war to save the Union into a war to end slavery; a war that cost over 600,000 American lives. And yes, we do owe a debt of gratitude to descendants of those in the Union Army who sacrificed their lives on the battlefields on behalf of American freedom!
In between the traditional church Watch Night services on December 31, and the Juneteenth Holiday, there’s New Year’s Day/Emancipation Day! The Great Emancipation Day observance affords us yet another opportunity to remember and honor the many scarifies of our torch-bearing forefathers and to celebrate a future of enormous potential and endless possibilities; to celebrate our own freedom on our own terms. The theme of this year’s Emancipation Day Awards Banquet: Saving Our Own Community.

A Seat at the Table
Positive Change speaks to the soul; to all of that which is great and good in each of us. Positive Change is a personal choice. After all, true success, prosperity, health and happiness of future generations, generations yet unborn, will greatly depend upon the quality of our thinking—today We must nurture the ability and the will to articulate and embrace the ideals of love, unselfish service; collective and individual sacrifice for positive change and freedom—now!
On Saturday, January 1, all roads lead to Newark, NJ! It’s the “Function at the Junction” on New Year’s Day—“Freedom Day!” Plenty of good food, entertainment, enlightenment and fellowship. This is an appeal for investment into the survival of our own indigenous community-based media and the Black Press. Buy a ticket ($125.00 per person) or purchase a table for 10 ($1000.00); bring a friend. Reserve your seat at freedom’s table today! Visit our website thepositivecommunity.com to view clips from Emancipation Day 2020.
Throughout 2022, The Positive Community, with the support of corporate advertising and sponsorship, will host a series of special events, intergenerational entertainment activities, conferences and meaningful initiatives that will highlight accomplishments while addressing the needs of the people. Can we count on your support of this noble and righteous cause?
Indeed, the progress of our children and the integrity and dignity of our African American culture, values and traditions— our collective soul—mean everything! Let us now begin to heal; to transform the culture, secure the future, inspire hope and expand our outlook!
. . . because a positive community is everybody’s business. It really pays to care!