What women need to know about heart health

A. Kulkarni
Cardiovascular disease is the number one killer of women causing one in three deaths in the United States every year, higher than all forms of cancer deaths in women combined.
According to the American Heart Association, women are severely underrepresented in research and clinical trials with women making up only 38% of participants in clinical cardiovascular trials. The warning signs of a heart condition present differently and more subtly in women than in men which is why it is so important women understand the risk factors, signs and symptoms unique to them. To mark American Heart Month this February, Dr. Rachana A. Kulkarni, MD, FACC, MBA, CPE outlines how common signs and symptoms for women present, how to reduce the risk of heart disease and the best time to address heart health with your doctor.
- When women should start to worry about heart health
It is important to take care of your heart while you are young to reduce the risk of heart problems later in life, but postmenopausal women should take extra care. After menopause women lose estrogen which can help keep plaque from building in the arteries, increasing the chance of cardiovascular problems. It is a good idea to get your heart checked and talk with your cardiologist about how to keep your heart healthy after menopause. If you have a family history of heart problems or have high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, smoke, live a sedentary lifestyle, or are overweight it is important to get checked now and to not wait until after menopause.
- How women can reduce their risk of heart disease with a healthy lifestyle
“The BMI (Body Mass Index) in America is at an all-time high. Following a healthy diet and lifestyle plays a key role in heart health, especially for women. I know it can be di cult to fi ll your plate with healthy fruits and vegetables and ditch salty, fatty fast food, but it is so important to have a colorful plate for a healthy heart,” Dr. Kulkarni urges.
In addition to eating healthy Dr. Kulkarni recommends:
• Exercising for at least 30 minutes per day, fi ve times a week
• Maintaining a healthy weight
• Avoid smoking and stay away from second hand smoke
• Limit alcohol intake
• Keep up with yearly physicals and appointments with your primary care provider or cardiologist to get necessary screenings and tests
• Minimize stress and workload as much as possible
“Knowing your numbers is one of the most important steps women can take for their heart health,” commented Dr. Kulkarni. She urges women 40 and older to keep track of blood pressure, sugar levels, and cholesterol numbers as well as being well informed of family heart health history because it could very well save your life.
For more information or to make an appointment with one of New Jersey’s top cardiologists or cardiac surgeons, visit rwjbh.org/heart or call 1-888-724-7123.