DV Connector Network Presents a discussion of “How To Be The Captain of Your Own Vessel” facilitated by Kelvin King
Please join us and register, by clicking the link below, for our Saturday, April 9th, 11 AM (EST) invitation to meet Kelvin King, as our second 2022 guest facilitator, for the virtual living room spirited discussion, “Be The Captain of Your Vessel!”
You can also add it to your calendar during the registration process.
DV Connector Network – Be The Captain of Your Own Vessel w/ Kelvin King
Kindly circulate this information and the link immediately within your concentric circles and encourage everyone to do the same within their circles. Kelvin is excited to share his journey and life lessons on Saturday, April 9th at 11 AM (EST) for this interactive discussion. All the pertinent details including his stellar bio are available when you access the link. As noted
DV Connector Network – Be The Captain of Your Own Vessel w/ Kelvin KingDV Connector Network Presents a discussion of “How To Be The Captain of Your Own Vessel” facilitated by Kelvin King
Kindly circulate this information and the link immediately within your concentric circles and encourage everyone to do the same within their circles. Kelvin is excited to share his journey and life lessons on Saturday, April 9th at 11 AM (EST) for this interactive discussion. All the pertinent details including his stellar bio are available when you access the link. As noted in the bio, Kelvin is currently an airline captain and owns Alpha Aviation, Inc., Alpha Drones USA and he is the Founder/President of The Samantha Blake Memorial Scholarship Foundation.