How To Reduce Screen Time On Phone

Did you know that an average person spends around 11 hours looking at a screen? Shockingly, this number skyrocketed to 19 hours during the pandemic! Nevertheless, the ongoing issue of spending too much time looking at screens is in full force, and it’s time to do something about it. While it’s usually your eyes that feel most of that strain, you might be surprised that this affects your mental health too. For instance, have you ever woken up groggy despite getting plenty of sleep? You can already guess the reason for that. With that said, you should learn how to reduce screen time on your phone.

For some of you, reducing screen time is a challenging task. You might spend most of your time working in front of a computer, so it may seem like you have no way out. As cheesy as it sounds, there’s always a light at the end of the tunnel, even when it comes to limiting your screen time. By becoming aware of how long you spend looking at screens and taking the necessary steps to decrease that time, you’ll be one step closer to a more mindful and engaging life.

We’re taking a closer look at how to reduce screen time on your phone as an adult. 

We understand it may seem like an unbreakable bond, but to feel more connected with the world around you, you should dial down your relationship with screens. Here’s how to reduce screen time on your phone.

1.| Make Your Phone Less Fun

Seems impossible, doesn’t it? Most of us are in love with the “social media breaks” in between work tasks, but we all know how deep you can fall into the rabbit hole. By the time you become aware of it, you’ve already wasted an hour on your phone. But, know that it’s entirely not your fault. Instead, the main culprit is how much your phone is fun to you!

Platforms like Instagram and TikTok have super-developed algorithms that show you the right content at the right time. No wonder why you get stuck in a scrolling cycle! Additionally, when a notification pops up on our screen, our brains instantly produce serotonin due to the connection to the outside world. Naturally, we can’t do anything but indulge, so we quickly pick up our phones and check what the rave is all about.

How to reduce your screen time on your phone in this situation? Just make your feeds less interesting! Firstly, disable your notifications so nothing distracting comes up. Of course, today’s devices are so sophisticated that you can choose your “priority” contacts, or people who you want to receive notifications from. If you’re using Instagram as a main source of communication, consider switching to a less time-consuming platform.

Another way to reduce screen time on your phone as an adult is by “limiting” what you see. You already know which accounts you spend the most time on, so if they’re not anyone important (close friends or family), just hit that unfollow button. It may be a bittersweet goodbye, but trust that it’s for your own good.

2.| Set Up Time Limits

Although social media affects our connection and perception of the outside world, the choice of how it does that lies in our hands. Namely, developers have taken the time to implement time constraints on their apps, limiting how much you’re using them. They are somewhat discreetly hidden through menus, but you should definitely take advantage of them.

For instance, if you spend most of your time on Instagram, TikTok, Pinterest, and the occasional Facebook scroll, set up time limits for them. You will be asked to put a code that overrides the lock in emergency cases, but we all know easily we can abuse this. In this case, in your journey to how to reduce screen time on your phone, you might want to get some outside help.

Instead of entering the code yourself, have someone else do it for you! That way, you won’t have a clue about it, meaning you won’t be tempted to use the apps once the time limit has passed. This can be anyone from a family member, partner, or close friend – just ensure you can easily contact them in case of a real emergency. And also, if you’re the persuasive type, instruct your friends not to budge no matter how diligent you may be.

3.| Have A No Phone Day

One of the benefits of reducing screen time is you feel more connected to the world around you. Because we’re constantly fed with content, our perceptions of reality can easily get clouded, meaning a digital detox is more than recommended.

Now, if you ever tried quitting social media cold turkey, chances are you might not have been so successful. Yet again, don’t blame yourself – you just haven’t used the right approach. Instead of quitting altogether, have a no-phone day. This means not picking up your phone for the entire time no matter what the situation might be. Meanwhile, try to keep your mind occupied. Take the time to catch up on your favorite book, reorganize your spaces, and indulge in some self-care. Finally, be sure to inform your closest circle of your no-phone day, and put your devices on “do not disturb” mode so you don’t get distracted.

4.| Read A Book On It

Of course, professional help always comes in handy when it comes to how to reduce screen time on phone. Luckily, the topic of how much time we spend looking at screens has been quickly picked up and researched by scientists, leading them to write self-help books. These offer tons of practical information and useful tips on how to detach yourself from your phone and invest your valuable time in something else instead. Here are some suggestions to get you started: