U.S. Congressman Donald M. Payne, Jr. shares his experience with losing a friend to prostate cancer
Session III: September 20, 2023
Enhancing Clinical Trial Awareness and Increasing Participation of Black Patients
Successful prostate cancer clinical trials have ushered in a new generation of treatment therapies. However, the lack of participation in these trials by Black patients was a significant missed opportunity. This session will highlight some of the missed opportunities and present strategies by trial sponsors to diversify their trials. The session will also include patients’ testimonials about their clinical trial experiences and needs. PHEN’s Clinical Trials rally will showcase PHENs efforts to increase clinical trial awareness and participation by Black patients.
U.S. Congressman Donald M. Payne, Jr. shares his experience with losing a friend to prostate cancer and encourages visiting phenpsa.com for life saving information.
PHEN Initiatives
The PHEN Survivor Network was established in 2003 to mobilize black prostate cancer survivors to work collectively towards eliminating the racial disparity. This network supports PHEN’s educational initiatives in communities across the country.
Monthly Support Group Meetings and Webcasts have been hosted since 2003 in partnership with the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, MA. These meetings bring together survivors and caregivers an educational presentation which is streamed live to thousands each month. This is followed by a man-to-man session for survivors.
The “Annual African American Prostate Cancer Disparity Summit” began in 2005 to address policy, medical and community outreach initiatives to eliminate the prostate cancer racial disparity. The summit is a two-day program hosted in Washington, DC with live streaming reaching thousands online.
PHEN Online Television began broadcasting in 2007 reaching men and their families at home with educational program content developed from PHEN’s monthly meetings, summits and other programs.
The “Annual Father’s Day Rally” was launched in 2009 in partnership with churches nationwide who hold a special recognition and prayer for prostate cancer survivors and loved ones impacted by the disease during their Father’s Day services.
PHEN’s Educational Symposiums with Church Partners began in 2013 as an outgrowth of the Father’s Day Rally. These symposiums are hosted at the facilities of PHEN church partners. Prostate cancer survivors and loved ones, medical specialists and community leaders collaborate with PHEN in hosting these events.
E-Newsletter and Social Media Outreach began in 2012 to educate about evolving treatments, clinical trials and other topics to keep the patient community knowledgeable and engaged.
PHEN’s Clinical Trials Rally was launched in 2017 to raise awareness and knowledge about prostate cancer clinical trials to increase African American participation. Pharmaceutical organizations partner with PHEN on this effort.
The Daddy’s Boys Stage Play began performing in 2018 using entertainment to attract larger audiences for PHEN’s educational outreach efforts. The Broadway-style play is attracting audiences from 500 to 1,000+ to theaters and mega-churches across the country.